Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Birds and Printmaking

During the winter I tend to work in the studio, printmaking, and occasionally venturing out when I get cabin-fever. I found these White-fronted Geese on one such outing, and drew them as they grazed along the high-tide line. Later these sketches led to a screenprint made using paper stencils.

For me, the first sign of spring is the sound of courting Eiders. Their calls drift through my newly-opened studio window from the bay outside. This picture is a combination of a monoprint with cardboard shapes printed on top.

I try and let a lot of weeds grow around the edges of the garden - it's interesting to see what new combinations of plants will turn up each season. I particularly love the dandelions, and any other plant that brings goldfinches to feed outside my studio. This picture combines a monoprint on cotton fabric with acrylic paint.

In June we can tell that the mackerel have arrived when the gannets start diving off-shore. This is a screenprint using paper stencils and wax crayon as a screen-blocker.

Ravens seem to delight in the autumn gales. This family were playing with seaweed from the shore. To make this picture, cardboard shapes were printed onto an acrylic background.

1 comment:

  1. I love your birds printmaking, please do some more
